For the laws mentioned in current legislation regarding personal data protection, users are informed that any personal data requested will be collected and processed for purposes of managing the purchase of products via the online shopping service. Thus, users are informed that data will be stored in files for respective clients, which belong to M/S The Peacock. Any personal data requested as well as that which may result from the management of this purpose is necessary for the development and management of the purchase and sale of products in the online shop by M/S The Peacock. This information may be used to offer other customers products that may be of interest to them, as well as to contact clients and ship products. The signatory guarantees the authenticity of the data provided and undertakes to promptly notify M/S The Peacock if there are any changes to this data.

Users are hereby notified of their rights of accessing, changing and deleting their data at any point of time. This may be done by contacting M/S The Peacock by email at, including proof of the applicant’s identity (for example, a photocopy of the Passport/ NIE/ NIF). M/S The Peacock undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data provided, applying the appropriate security measures in accordance with the stipulations of current legislation regarding personal data protection. In view of the above, users express that they have been duly informed of their rights with regard to current legislation regarding personal data protection, as well as the processing, purposes and possible transfers that may be carried out in the future.

Access and/or use of this site confers the status of USER and by accessing and/or using this site users accept the terms of use which are hereby specified. These terms will apply regardless of the general contract terms which must be complied with where applicable.

USERS are responsible, in all events, for the authenticity of the data provided and must notify M/S The Peacock of any modifications to said data. The company is exempt from any liability in this regard.

The company shall not publish, sell, give on rent, trade or otherwise transfer Personal Information to third parties, except as may be required by law, or pursuant to the order of a court or regulatory authority, or in order for Company to enforce its rights, or as expressly stated by this Policy. In the event Company needs to share Personal Information with third parties, Company shall enter into non-disclosure agreements or equivalent covenants that are, at the least, as protective as the provisions of this Policy.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Policy or any other terms of service or use applicable as between Company and USER, Company’s aggregate liability hereunder shall be limited to Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) or its equivalent in any other currency, and shall not extend to any indirect or remote damages whatsoever, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages or loss of profits.

M/S The Peacock may modify this Privacy Policy in accordance with legal requirements, or in order to comply with regulations for the purpose of adapting said policy to the guidelines established by other institutions. It is therefore recommended that users consult it on a regular basis.